El Yunque is the habitat of a total of 5 endangered species (meaning they can die out in a short time), and 1 threatened species, (meaning it has the potential of dieing out over a long lapse of time). Special atention is given to the presentation of these species.
These endangered species are the Puerto Rican Parrot (amazon vittata). The "Higuaca" name given by the TaĆno Indians to the native parrot is one of the 10 rarest birds in the world and is only found on the Island of Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican Boa (Epicates inormatus) is found throughout the island, and lives in El Yunque below an elevation of 1,200 ft. The Puerto Rican broad-winged hawk and is found in isolated mountain areas perfering to hunt from lofty perches. The Puerto Rican Sharp-shined hawk (Accipiter striatus venator) another sub species of the sharp-shined hawk, is a small forest hawk.
Several factors have caused the decline of the species including the Puerto Rican Parrot. Habitat loss is the mayor cause. Most Puerto Rican forest were cut over for agriculture and when developement. Large and mature trees, which served as nets were selectively removed for charcoal production. Other factors that caused the decline of these species are the Pollution, the introduction of invasive species (non-native) to the ecosytem, some naturally occuring effects such as hurricanes, parasitic fes, food competition and predation by other species.